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1.2 Million T/Y Light Hydrocarbon Unit and External Pipe Gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

DateCustomer NameEmployerProject NameProject LocationClimate ConditionsDeviceItem/Qty
Nov/20Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.1.2 million t/y light hydrocarbon unit and external pipe gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.Shouguang,Shandong-22℃~+40℃light hydrocarbonSelf-regulating heating cable/1600 m

In order to fully utilize its own technological expertise, expand the company’s scale, seek growth opportunities, and improve the industrial chain, Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has decided to construct the project with a scale of 1.2 million t/y for comprehensive utilization of light hydrocarbons. The production process route includes raw material crushing, chlorination, deacidification, neutralization, washing, centrifugation, drying, and packaging.

1.2 Million T/Y Light Hydrocarbon Unit and External Pipe Gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

1.2 Million T/Y Light Hydrocarbon Unit and External Pipe Gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

1.2 Million T/Y Light Hydrocarbon Unit and External Pipe Gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

1.2 Million T/Y Light Hydrocarbon Unit and External Pipe Gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

1.2 Million T/Y Light Hydrocarbon Unit and External Pipe Gallery of Shandong Shouguang Luqing Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

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