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Tubing Bundle

It is first priority for all to ensure the consistency of product quality.Jiahong operates in strict accordance with the IS09001 standard,with strong design team,advanced manufacturing plants and intelligent storage failities.The tubing bundle and heating cable products can meet the requirements of different customers.
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Jiahong's Tubing Bundle List

The electrical tracing tubing bundle is a kind of integration by process pipeline, electrical tracing cable, thermal insulation and outer sheath. Heating cable can be energized to maintainstemperature or prevent freezing of fluid in process pipeline. Another typical tubing bundle, prefabricated insulation tubing bundle,is made of process pipeline, thermal insulation and outer sheath only. Tubing bundle is mainly used for thetransmission of fluids, vapors or other gases to reduce heat loss during transmission as well as to protect personnel safety. The electrical tracing tubing bundle is the most widely used among the tubing bundles. In addition, similar products include steam tracing tubing bundle, high-temperature steam pipeline antifreeze tubing bundle and prefabricated insulation tubing bundle.

For the traditional electrical tracing cable and thermal  insulation  installation,is  mostly  constructed  on  site.Compared with  it, there will be some advantages as below on tubing bundle: Simplify in stallation   Increase of efficiency, Reduce the construction procedure Saving installation  cost, Factory prefabrication Increase system safety and reliability

Main Functions Of Tubing Bundle

Main Functions Of Tubing Bundle

Industrial instruments are mostly used to monitor critical reactions or processes and emissions and to control the whole plant. To ensure reliable operation and working stability of the instrument, it may be necessary to prevent freezing and maintain process temperatures, as well as reduce the risk of burns and maintain airflow above the dew point temperature, prevent condensation and crystallization.tubing-bundle.png

Connecting pipeline of the process analyzer

The electrical tracing tubing bundle can be used as the connecting pipeline for pressure gauges, flow meters, liquid level meters, etc.

Continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS)

The probe at the top of the chimney extracts the flue gas, and delivers it to the analyzer for determination via the sampling tube and gas tube, as the extraction gas analyzer requires the gas sample to be kept above the dew point. If samples are transmitted for a long distance, electrical tracing must be adopted to keep the process gas flow above the dew point, and the electrical tracing tubing bundle is the best solution.

Online instrument box

For antifreeze protection or process temperature maintenance of the pressure conduction pipeline of the process instrument, sampling pipeline and small-diameter process pipeline in the online instrument box, the electrical tracing tubing bundle can be applied for heat tracing.

Analyzer house

The analyzer house is an enclosed structure for installing analyzer, and is characterized by a high degree of integration and complex internal pipelines, which can meet the special environmental conditions required for the complete system of online analyzers. For sampling pipelines that need antifreeze protection or process temperature maintenance, the electrical tracing tubing bundle would be the best choice.

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Application Of Tubing Bundle In The CEMS

What is the CEMS?

CEMS  stands for  Continuous  Emissions  Monitoring  System,i.e., an integration system that continuously monitors the concentration and total emissions percentage of gaseous pollutants from air pollution sources, then transmits the detection value to official department in realtime. According to the classification of sampling technology, CEMS testing can be divided into direct measurement method, dilution method and extraction method, and the dry measurement method in the extraction method meets the requirements of our environmental protection standards.

Why apply the electrical tracing tubing bundle?

The CEMS using the dry measurement method needs to transmit the sampling object to the sampling equipment via the sampling pipeline. However, the sampling object includes sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, water steam, etc. The temperature of the transmission pipeline must be maintained at 120℃to 160℃ level, or even 180℃, so as to prevent the cases that the water steam liquefied, and the sulfur dioxide dissolved in water which turns into sulfuric acid due to the decrease in temperature. Otherwise, the measurement results will be affected. In this way, water in the flue gas can exist in the form of steam. Meanwhile, it can also prevent water condensation. Otherwise, sulfuric acid will be formed with sulfur dioxide. Therefore, the tubing bundle with electrical tracing becomes the optimal solution.

What are the requirements for the electrical tracing tubing bundle adapted to CEMS?

The commonly used electrical tracing tubing bundles adapted to CEMS are usually powered by 220VAC,50Hz. The maintains temperature ranges from  120℃ to  160℃ depending on the systems with different bands and requirements. Therefore, the adapted electrical tracing bands are mainly high-temperature self-regulating tracing cable and power constant tracing cable, with the power output of about 35W/m. The material of sampling tube used is PTFE with outer diameter of 6mm.


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